
Kena Upanisad

“By whom (kena, i.e., by whose mere intent) is the impelled mind directed?” With this profound question, the Kena Upanishad begins. One of the shortest Upanishads, Kena offers one of the most thorough presentations of Vedanta in its first two chapters. The prose of the last two chapters narrates how the gods take credit for […]

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Katha Upanisad

Part of the Krishna Yajurveda, and one of the most popular Upanishads, Katha Upanishad comprises two parts and 120 verses. It is one of the ten Upanishads Shankara commented on, and comes to us in the form of a dialogue between young seeker Nachiketa and Lord Yama (Death). Lord Yama test Nachiketa’s qualifications as a

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Mandukya Upanisad

In twelve verses, Mandukya unfolds the non-dual vision of reality through an elaborate exposition of the meaning of the sacred syllable Om. As a sound symbol for the entire experience of waking, dream, and sleep-and the truth of all of them-Omkara lends itself to deep inquiry. The waking/dream/sleep states Prakriya (method for unfolding the nature

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Taittiriya Upanisad

Belonging to the Krishna Yajur Veda, Taittiriya , it is thought to be the first Upanishad Shankara wrote a Bhasya on. It is composed of three chapters: Siksa-Valli, Brahmananda-Valli and Bhrgu-Valli. These are subdivided into Anuvakas (lessons) made up of a few crisp sentences, with measure and rhythm, meant to be learned and chanted as a

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Chandogya Upanisad

One of the oldest and most important Upanishads, Chandogya is second only to Brhadaranyaka in terms of length. It forms the last eight chapters of the Chandogya Brahmana of the Sama Veda and is a great source of principal Vedanta fundamentals.  Many references are made to this Upanishad in Brahma Sutras further indicating its’ importance

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Part of the Krishna Yajurveda, and one of the most popular Upanisads, Katha Upanishad comprises two parts and 120 verses. It is one of the ten Upanishads Shankara commented on, and comes to us in the form of a dialogue between young seeker Nachiketa and Lord Yama (Death). Lord Yama tests Nachiketa’s qualifications as a

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Part of the Atharva Veda, Kaivalya Upanishad focuses on the self as Nirguna Brahman. Its twenty-five verses are a concise exposition of the ‘Paramarthika’ vision of Vedanta.  Kaivalyopanisad well-known Arati mantras as well as that echo those of other important Upanishad. The Kaivalya’s dialogue between Lord Brahma and Disciple Ashvalayana is a comprehensive inquiry into

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By whom (Kena, i.e. by whose mere intent) is the impelled mind directed ? With this profound question, the Kena Upanisad, which is part of the Sama Veda,   begins. One of the shortest Upanishad, Kena offers one of the most thorough presentations of Vedanta in its first two chapters. The prose of the last two

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