
Freedom from Fear

Fear is a word that indicates everything that you are afraid of: unhappiness, separation, loneliness, isolation, fear of being nobody, lack of future, death, and void. Whatever you are afraid of ,all of that is fear. If you deal with fear, you are dealing with everything. In these classes, Swamiji helps us to see clearly […]

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Dakshinamurti Stotram

The Dakshinamurti Stotram, in praise of the glory of Ishvara, holds a significant place in the literature of Shankara. “ I am the whole, with time, place and everything therein”. This essence unfolded by the Upanishads, is captured beautifully in thee verses by Shankara. They depict the self as self-revealing consciousness and the objects that

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Upadesa Saram

Ramana Maharshi, in just 30 verses, covers a wide scope of topics from the limitations of karma to the result of self-knowledge.  Devotion, yoga, meditation, knowledge, almost nothing is left out of this compact, lyrical work, which is easily committed to memory.  Swami Tattvavidananda will teach this text of the celebrated 20th century sage, unpacking

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Tripuri, a text attributed to Shankaracharya, which unfolds the nature of the self through an analysis of three levels of experience or three cities (Tri-Puri), the gross or physical body, through which we experience the waking world, the subtle body which is associated with the dream world and the causal body associated with the experience

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Gajendra Moksha

Gajendra Moksha abounds with allegories in every aspect of the text.  Gajendra, the arrogant king of a herd of elephants, symbolizes the individual.  The pleasure-seeking attitude of the elephant, which lands him in the deathly grip of an alligator, is comparable to that of those who are engrossed in the pursuit of pleasures, unmindful of

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Upadesa Saram

The “Essence of Teaching” (Upadesa Saram) of Vedanta is succinctly expressed in 30 verses by the celebrated contemporary sage, Ramana Maharshi.  Beginning by showing the limitations of karma, and outlining the preparatory means (sadhanas) for a seeker.  Ramana leads us on a searching inquiry into the nature of the self.  Swami Viditatmananda will make clear

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Stress Management

Stress is considered by many a hallmark of modern life.  Yet, if we look at human history, when were human beings without stress?  Accordingly, the Rishis addressed this ageless human problem.  In this retreat, Swami Viditatmananda will unfold the wisdom of the Rishis on the topic of stress, dealing with such questions as: What is

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