
Action and Renunciation

For a seeker of self-knowledge, there are two committed lifestyles proffered by the Bhagavad Gita (3.3): Pursuit of knowledge while performing one’s duties and Total commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, renouncing all other pursuits. Which should one choose? In these Eight Classes, Swamiji addresses this highly relevant topic. A Video Course (Course Code – […]

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Emotional Maturity

This set of five classes addresses the issues we face as we graduate from college and enter the workforce. Here, young adults will find inspiration for continuing their studies and for working in dharmic activities as they enter the next phase of life. These talks are also excellent for adults of any age in recognizing

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Chaturtha Maitreyi Brahmana

In this course, the dialogue with Maitreyi and Yajnvalkya takes place. In Chapter 2.4 of the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, Swamiji follows Shankarabhasya sentence by sentence. Here Yajnavalkya wants to leave his wealth with his wife, Maitreyi and take up a life of Sannyasa, a pursuit of self-knowledge alone. In this dialogue the qualifications of an aspirant

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Aitareya Upanisad

Aitareya Upanishad is the only one of the ten Upanishads commented on by Shankara that hails from the Rig-Veda. It forms the fourth, fifth and sixth chapters of the second Aranyaka of Aitrareya Brahmana. The first reveals Atma as the creator that creates the world and enters into it as the experience. The second chapter

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In these talks Swamiji unfolds the subject of “awareness”. First Swamiji walks us slowly through the recognition of the objects of our knowledge and their self existence including the body0mind complex of the individual. With that recognition or awareness, we then only have to cross the bridge to “limitless awareness”, not an easy jump to

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With extra-ordinary depth of vision, Swamiji makes us all laugh while we see the truth of ourselves again and again from angles we had never even conceived, and we see the pure, clear understanding of Shankaracharya shining through. An Audio Course (Course Code – AVG1214) on Devotion & Prayers : Dasasloki by Swami Dayananda Saraswati.

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Vision of Gita

Six classes recorded in Bayside Long Island, New York.  Life seems burdensome because we only know how to relax in between action, and life is mostly action.  The trick is to discover relaxation during action.  Then one is really free.  This is the vision of Gita and this is the teaching. A Video Course on

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