Prakarana Granthas

Bhaja Govindam

Bhaja Govindam (To Seek Govinda) was originally known as Moha-Mudgara, which means “mallet of delusion.”  In these thirty-one verses, Shankara delivers some strokes of the mallet in order to rouse us from delusion and restore objectivity.  The current title, Bhaja Govindam, means “To seek or know Govinda (Lord Krishna) as the purpose of life”. A distinguishing

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Tattva Bodha

Tattva Bodha is the Knowledge of the Truth. In this brief treatise is everything we need for a complete understanding of Vedanta.  With clear allusions to the Shastra and its commentaries.  Tattva Bodha is a succinct but thorough exposition that can serve as both an introduction and a work to deepen understanding. In this clear

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Manisha Panchakam

The Five verses on the Essence of Mankind or Wisdom of Unity. The legendary story connected with these five verses by Shankara is as follows. One day in Varanasi in the early morning Sri Shankara was returning from a bath in Ganga and, as is the tradition even now among all monks, proceeded to have the

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Upadesa Saram

Ramana Maharshi, in just 30 verses, covers a wide scope of topics from the limitations of karma to the result of self-knowledge.  Devotion, yoga, meditation, knowledge, almost nothing is left out of this compact, lyrical work, which is easily committed to memory.  Swami Tattvavidananda will teach this text of the celebrated 20th century sage, unpacking

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Tripuri, a text attributed to Shankaracharya, which unfolds the nature of the self through an analysis of three levels of experience or three cities (Tri-Puri), the gross or physical body, through which we experience the waking world, the subtle body which is associated with the dream world and the causal body associated with the experience

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Nirvana Shatkam

These six verses on the silent, unchanging self by Shankara are a declaration of his own direct and intimately clear knowledge of the limitless self (Brahman).  The verses discuss the nature of absolute peace, tranquility, freedom, and joy, which are not different from the nature of the self.  Meditating on the verses can stimulate the

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Sadhana Panchakam

These five compact verses of means (sadhana) tell us all that is necessary for the one who wants to know the reality of oneself, the world and the ‘cause’ of the world. They cover preparatory means, both external, in terms of personal conduct and situations to be sought or abandoned; and internal, such as our

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Laghu Vakya Vritti

Laghu Vakya Vritti by Sri Shankaracharya consists of eighteen verses seems to be and abridged version of Vakya Vritti. This works aim at clarifying the meanings and implications of the Mahavakyas – the great Vedic sentences dealing with the unity of the individual self and the supreme Self. An Audio Course on Vedanta Texts- Prakarana

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Often cited as an introductory Vedantic text, Atma Bodha is in fact a work of great depth. It has been taught in Vedanta courses as both an introduction and a summation. In its sixty-eight simple verses, Shankara encapsulates the essential vision of Vedanta. The examples and dialectics help us to assimilate the knowledge of the

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