
Karma & Sannyasa

Pujya Swami Dayanandaji will give an in-depth treatment of the nature of these two life styles, karma and sannyasa and the role of each in the pursuit of freedom from sorrow. Through a close look at the sastra backed by incisive analysis. Pujya Swamiji will also clarify many popular misconceptions about this topic, giving us a […]

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Tattva Bodha

Tattva Bodha is the Knowledge of the Truth. In this brief treatise is everything we need for a complete understanding of Vedanta.  With clear allusions to the Shastra and its commentaries.  Tattva Bodha is a succinct but thorough exposition that can serve as both an introduction and a work to deepen understanding. In this clear

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Manisha Panchakam

The Five verses on the Essence of Mankind or Wisdom of Unity. The legendary story connected with these five verses by Shankara is as follows. One day in Varanasi in the early morning Sri Shankara was returning from a bath in Ganga and, as is the tradition even now among all monks, proceeded to have the

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Shiva Mahimna Stotram

This celebrated Stotram in praise of the greatness of the Lord begins with the question “who can praise the one whom even the Sruti (Veda) tentatively explains by the removal of not that?  It then uses this very method to reveal the nature of reality, Brahman.  This Stotram touches on dialectics and draws on illustrations

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Katha Upanisad

The dialogue between the young boy, Naciketas, and Lord Yama which comprises the Katha Upanishad has all the elements a seeker requires to understand the Self (Atman).  The characteristics of the qualified student are exemplified and tested in Naciketas.  And his mature question about the nature of the self which is “doubted even by the

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Upadesa Saram

The “Essence of Teaching” (Upadesa Saram) of Vedanta is succinctly expressed in 30 verses by the celebrated contemporary sage, Ramana Maharshi.  Beginning by showing the limitations of karma, and outlining the preparatory means (sadhanas) for a seeker.  Ramana leads us on a searching inquiry into the nature of the self.  Swami Viditatmananda will make clear

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Often cited as an introductory Vedantic text, Atma Bodha is in fact a work of great depth. It has been taught in Vedanta courses as both an introduction and a summation. In its sixty-eight simple verses, Shankara encapsulates the essential vision of Vedanta. The examples and dialectics help us to assimilate the knowledge of the

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Purusha Suktam

In these classes, Swami Vidtatmananda will explain the meaning of the Purusasktam, a well know Vedic hymn praising the Lord as everything, including the one who is reciting the hymn. An Audio Course (Course Code – AVG4213) on Devotion & Prayers : Purusha Suktam by Swami Viditatmananda Saraswati.

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