Course Category: Video

Essence of Bhagavad Gita

An outreach program classes, where Swami Pratyagbodanandaji summarized the Bhagavad Gita. A Video Course on Vedanta Texts- Bhagavad Gita: Essence of Bhagavad Gita by Swami

Catuh Sloki Bhagavatam

In four profound verses of the Bhagavatam, Paramesvara teaches Bahmaji the truth of himself, both in essence and in his manifestation as the universe. He

Nirvana Shatkam

These six verses on the silent, unchanging self by Shankara are a declaration of his own direct and intimately clear knowledge of the limitless self

Katha Upanisad

The dialogue between the young boy, Naciketas, and Lord Yama which comprises the Katha Upanishad has all the elements a seeker requires to understand the

Upadesa Saram

The “Essence of Teaching” (Upadesa Saram) of Vedanta is succinctly expressed in 30 verses by the celebrated contemporary sage, Ramana Maharshi.  Beginning by showing the

Stress Management

Stress is considered by many a hallmark of modern life.  Yet, if we look at human history, when were human beings without stress?  Accordingly, the

Mahavakya Vicara

9 classes on the great statements in the Upanishad that say the “I” in you is not separate, but is indeed equal to the “whole”

Kunti Stuti

Kunti Stuti is from Srimad Bhagavatam (Pratham Skanda). After the Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna was leaving to Dwaraka and  Kunti, mother of pandavas was overwhelmed


Often cited as an introductory Vedantic text, Atma Bodha is in fact a work of great depth. It has been taught in Vedanta courses as

Aditya Hrdayam Stotram

Ancient Indian Literature accords a special place to the Sun in the order of divinities, revering it as the creator and sustainer of the universe