Course Category: Audio

Meditations on Meditative Life

Classes on Meditations by Pujya Swami Dayananda. An Audio Course (Course Code – AVG1204) on Meditation: Meditations on Meditative Life by Swami Dayananda Saraswati.

Chaturtha Maitreyi Brahmana

In this course, the dialogue with Maitreyi and Yajnvalkya takes place. In Chapter 2.4 of the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, Swamiji follows Shankarabhasya sentence by sentence. Here

Aitareya Upanisad

Aitareya Upanishad is the only one of the ten Upanishads commented on by Shankara that hails from the Rig-Veda. It forms the fourth, fifth and


In these talks Swamiji unfolds the subject of “awareness”. First Swamiji walks us slowly through the recognition of the objects of our knowledge and their


With extra-ordinary depth of vision, Swamiji makes us all laugh while we see the truth of ourselves again and again from angles we had never

Siva Manasa Puja

In these classes, Swamiji explains sivamanasa puja, composed by Adi Shankara for Lord Siva. With stotram, we can perform mental worship of Lord. An Audio

Vedanta and Self Growth

Vedanta can be understood only by an adult, one who is ethically, emotionally and intellectually mature. In order to see that one is the whole,

Manisha Panchakam

The Five verses on the Essence of Mankind or Wisdom of Unity. The legendary story connected with these five verses by Shankara is as follows. One

Shiva Mahimna Stotram

This celebrated Stotram in praise of the greatness of the Lord begins with the question “who can praise the one whom even the Sruti (Veda)

Four Mahavakyas

The great sayings of Upanisads as characterized by the Avaita school of Vedanta with Maha meaning great and Vakya a sentence. Aham Brahmasmi – I