Course Category: Upanisad

Brhadaranyaka Upanisad – Bhasyam (2012)

Brhadaranyaka Upanisad (1.4.7): This verse employs, in detail, the method of showing the cause inherent in the effect, karana-karya-prakriya, to reveal the identity of the

Chaturtha Maitreyi Brahmana

In this course, the dialogue with Maitreyi and Yajnvalkya takes place. In Chapter 2.4 of the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, Swamiji follows Shankarabhasya sentence by sentence. Here

Aitareya Upanisad

Aitareya Upanishad is the only one of the ten Upanishads commented on by Shankara that hails from the Rig-Veda. It forms the fourth, fifth and

Brhadaranyka Upanisad (Video)

The longest, oldest, and one of the most often quoted Upanishad, Brhadaranyaka unfolds the knowledge of the self through a wide variety of dialogues. It

Four Mahavakyas

The great sayings of Upanisads as characterized by the Avaita school of Vedanta with Maha meaning great and Vakya a sentence. Aham Brahmasmi – I

Katha Upanisad

The dialogue between the young boy, Naciketas, and Lord Yama which comprises the Katha Upanishad has all the elements a seeker requires to understand the

Prajapatya Brahmana

In the fifth chapter the Brhadaranyaka Upanisad, Prajapati’s children, the denizens of heavenly realms, devas; those committed to sense pursuits, the asuras; and humans beings,

Mundaka Upanisad

In these eight classes during a 2001 Vedanta Retreat, Swamiji unfolds the essential teaching of the oneness of the individual and the Lord using selected

Mahavakya Vicara

9 classes on the great statements in the Upanishad that say the “I” in you is not separate, but is indeed equal to the “whole”