Gajendra Moksha
Gajendra Moksha abounds with allegories in every aspect of the text. Gajendra, the arrogant king of a herd of elephants, symbolizes the individual. The pleasure-seeking
Gajendra Moksha abounds with allegories in every aspect of the text. Gajendra, the arrogant king of a herd of elephants, symbolizes the individual. The pleasure-seeking
An outreach program classes, where Swami Pratyagbodanandaji summarized the Bhagavad Gita. A Video Course on Vedanta Texts- Bhagavad Gita: Essence of Bhagavad Gita by Swami
These six verses on the silent, unchanging self by Shankara are a declaration of his own direct and intimately clear knowledge of the limitless self
Stress is considered by many a hallmark of modern life. Yet, if we look at human history, when were human beings without stress? Accordingly, the
6 Guided Meditations Classes from Year 2016 by Swami Pratyagbodhananda Saraswati. An Audio Course on Meditation: Guided Meditation (2016) by Swami Pratyagbodhananda Saraswati.
Naradha Bhakti Sutras are well known sutras by sage, Narada. The Text details in process of devotion, or Bhakti Yoga. An Audio Course on Devotion
Kunti Stuti is from Srimad Bhagavatam (Pratham Skanda). After the Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna was leaving to Dwaraka and Kunti, mother of pandavas was overwhelmed
Ancient Indian Literature accords a special place to the Sun in the order of divinities, revering it as the creator and sustainer of the universe