
Four Mahavakyas

The great sayings of Upanisads as characterized by the Avaita school of Vedanta with Maha meaning great and Vakya a sentence. Aham Brahmasmi – I am Brahman (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad) Ayam Atma Brahma – This Self (Atma) is Brahman (Mandukya Upanishad) Prajnanam Brahma – Consciousness is Brahman (Aitareya Upanishad) Tattvamasi  – You are That ( Chandogya […]

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Upadesa Saram

Ramana Maharshi, in just 30 verses, covers a wide scope of topics from the limitations of karma to the result of self-knowledge.  Devotion, yoga, meditation, knowledge, almost nothing is left out of this compact, lyrical work, which is easily committed to memory.  Swami Tattvavidananda will teach this text of the celebrated 20th century sage, unpacking

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Stress Management

Stress is considered by many a hallmark of modern life.  Yet, if we look at human history, when were human beings without stress?  Accordingly, the Rishis addressed this ageless human problem.  In this retreat, Swami Viditatmananda will unfold the wisdom of the Rishis on the topic of stress, dealing with such questions as: What is

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Drg Drsya Viveka

The form is the seen; the eye is the seer. The eye is the seen, but the mind is the seer. The thoughts are seen. The witness is always the seer, but never becomes the seen.”  With this verse begins the text known as DrgDrsyaviveka, an inquiry into the truth of the seer and seen.

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Advaita Makaranda

In Advaita Makaranda, the poet Lakshmidhara draws metaphors from the exuberant realms of nature to convey a spontaneous outpouring of the soul. Its poetic expressions and profound philosophical ruminations lend themselves to the exposition if the paradoxical concepts of Vedana. Swami Tattvavidanada unfolds this text with a compelling precision of a scholar. Swamiji distils the

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Mundaka Upanisad

In these eight classes during a 2001 Vedanta Retreat, Swamiji unfolds the essential teaching of the oneness of the individual and the Lord using selected verses from Mundaka Upanishad. An Audio Course on Vedanta Texts- Upanishad : Mundaka Upanisad by Swami Pratyagbodhananda Saraswati.

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Mahavakya Vicara

9 classes on the great statements in the Upanishad that say the “I” in you is not separate, but is indeed equal to the “whole” from the standpoint of one’s essential nature. A Video Course (Course Code – AVG0874) on Vedanta Texts- Upanisad : Mahavakya Vicara by Swami Dayananda Saraswati.

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Often cited as an introductory Vedantic text, Atma Bodha is in fact a work of great depth. It has been taught in Vedanta courses as both an introduction and a summation. In its sixty-eight simple verses, Shankara encapsulates the essential vision of Vedanta. The examples and dialectics help us to assimilate the knowledge of the

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Ishavasya Upanisad

Ishavasya begins with the statement “Ishavasya Adam Sarvam” (All this pervaded by Ishavara) and not only unfolds this vision, but gives upasanas (meditations) to prepare the seeker to understand it. Though it comprises only eighteen mantras, it conveys the essence of the entire teaching. It also puts forth tow modes of life- pravritii (action) na

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