Vedanta In Daily Life

Freedom in Relationship

Problems or limitations in relationships often drive us to seek freedom from relationship. In these twelve-talks, Pujya Swamiji teaches how we might enjoy freedom in relationship. By confining the problems to roles, we discover a wholeness that enriches all our relationships. An Audio Course (Course Code – AVG0610) Vedanta In Daily Life: Freedom in Relationship by […]

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Freedom from Sadness

Sorrow is neither caused by the world nor is it caused by any simple. In these classes, Pujya Swamiji helps us to examine the nature and cause of sadness due to sorrowful thinking. Also, we learn how to see the facts more clearly and thereby gain the upper hand of objective thinking in the management

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Action and Renunciation

For a seeker of self-knowledge, there are two committed lifestyles proffered by the Bhagavad Gita (3.3): Pursuit of knowledge while performing one’s duties and Total commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, renouncing all other pursuits. Which should one choose? In these Eight Classes, Swamiji addresses this highly relevant topic. A Video Course (Course Code –

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Values and Conflicts

Our quality of life is always threatened by conflict. In these courses, Swamiji shows that the root of all conflict is not outside, but within, and that we encounter this inner conflict whenever we must negotiate personal desires versus universal values. Swamiji addresses how to manage-and resolve-this pervasive conflict during this series of classes. A

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Vedanta and Self Growth

Vedanta can be understood only by an adult, one who is ethically, emotionally and intellectually mature. In order to see that one is the whole, one must be relatively whole, as a person. Therefore, self-growth becomes as important as the study of the sastra in the pursuit of mokṣa. Recognizing this, the sastra herself provides

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Freedom from Fear

Fear is a word that indicates everything that you are afraid of: unhappiness, separation, loneliness, isolation, fear of being nobody, lack of future, death, and void. Whatever you are afraid of ,all of that is fear. If you deal with fear, you are dealing with everything. In these classes, Swamiji helps us to see clearly

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Stress Management

Stress is considered by many a hallmark of modern life.  Yet, if we look at human history, when were human beings without stress?  Accordingly, the Rishis addressed this ageless human problem.  In this retreat, Swami Viditatmananda will unfold the wisdom of the Rishis on the topic of stress, dealing with such questions as: What is

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