Swami Dayananda Saraswati

Vision of Gita

Six classes recorded in Bayside Long Island, New York.  Life seems burdensome because we only know how to relax in between action, and life is mostly action.  The trick is to discover relaxation during action.  Then one is really free.  This is the vision of Gita and this is the teaching. A Video Course on

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Karma & Sannyasa

Pujya Swami Dayanandaji will give an in-depth treatment of the nature of these two life styles, karma and sannyasa and the role of each in the pursuit of freedom from sorrow. Through a close look at the sastra backed by incisive analysis. Pujya Swamiji will also clarify many popular misconceptions about this topic, giving us a

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Prayer & Prayerful Life

Prayer is will based karma. Its efficacy is dependent upon the degree of one’s involvement, and one’s involvement is as good as one’s understanding of the altar of prayer. For an effective prayer, knowledge of the lord. Ishvara is inevitable. A prayerful life is just not possible without a profound understanding and awareness of Ishvara.

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Four Mahavakyas

The great sayings of Upanisads as characterized by the Avaita school of Vedanta with Maha meaning great and Vakya a sentence. Aham Brahmasmi – I am Brahman (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad) Ayam Atma Brahma – This Self (Atma) is Brahman (Mandukya Upanishad) Prajnanam Brahma – Consciousness is Brahman (Aitareya Upanishad) Tattvamasi  – You are That ( Chandogya

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Freedom from Fear

Fear is a word that indicates everything that you are afraid of: unhappiness, separation, loneliness, isolation, fear of being nobody, lack of future, death, and void. Whatever you are afraid of ,all of that is fear. If you deal with fear, you are dealing with everything. In these classes, Swamiji helps us to see clearly

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Catuh Sloki Bhagavatam

In four profound verses of the Bhagavatam, Paramesvara teaches Bahmaji the truth of himself, both in essence and in his manifestation as the universe. He also indicates the means, both direct and indirect to understand this teaching. With his mastery of this topic Pujya Swami Dayananda makes these verses completely lucid, showing the listener how he

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Mahavakya Vicara

9 classes on the great statements in the Upanishad that say the “I” in you is not separate, but is indeed equal to the “whole” from the standpoint of one’s essential nature. A Video Course (Course Code – AVG0874) on Vedanta Texts- Upanisad : Mahavakya Vicara by Swami Dayananda Saraswati.

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