Course Category: Video

Drg Drsya Viveka (Summary)

A Free Video Course on Vedanta Texts- Prakarana Granthas : Drg Drsya Viveka (Summary) by Swami Viditatmananda Saraswati.

Action and Renunciation

For a seeker of self-knowledge, there are two committed lifestyles proffered by the Bhagavad Gita (3.3): Pursuit of knowledge while performing one’s duties and Total

Emotional Maturity

This set of five classes addresses the issues we face as we graduate from college and enter the workforce. Here, young adults will find inspiration

Values and Conflicts

Our quality of life is always threatened by conflict. In these courses, Swamiji shows that the root of all conflict is not outside, but within,

Brhadaranyka Upanisad (Video)

The longest, oldest, and one of the most often quoted Upanishad, Brhadaranyaka unfolds the knowledge of the self through a wide variety of dialogues. It

Vision of Gita

Six classes recorded in Bayside Long Island, New York.  Life seems burdensome because we only know how to relax in between action, and life is

Karma & Sannyasa

Pujya Swami Dayanandaji will give an in-depth treatment of the nature of these two life styles, karma and sannyasa and the role of each in

Lord and Devotion

A prayerful life is just not possible without a profound understanding and awareness of Ishvara. Swamiji unfolds the profundity of Ishvara. A Video Course (Course

Bhaja Govindam

Bhaja Govindam (To Seek Govinda) was originally known as Moha-Mudgara, which means “mallet of delusion.”  In these thirty-one verses, Shankara delivers some strokes of the

Tattva Bodha

Tattva Bodha is the Knowledge of the Truth. In this brief treatise is everything we need for a complete understanding of Vedanta.  With clear allusions