Kaivalya Upanishad

Kaivalya Upanishad Video Course by Swami Viditatmananda Saraswati

Kaivalyopanisad-Swami Viditatmananda

This dialogue between Lord Brahma and Asvalayan, his disciple, is a comprehensive inquiry into the nature of the means for, and the result of brahmavidya, the knowledge of the non-dual reality. In this Upanisad we find many familiar mantras, some that echo those seen in other Upanisads, and some that used for worship, arati. It teaches a number of prerequisites and means for preparing one for this knowledge, including meditation on OM, and chanting of Satarudriya. Through an analysis of the three states of experience and the cause-effect analysis, the liberating non-dual vision is unfolded.
